Downtown revitalization
Not a lot of places can include “lakefront” on their list of downtown amenities. But Edinboro definitely can, and it’s a clear point of pride for the community. Among other fan-favorites in Edinboro are the University and the abundance of parks – more top-ranking features that make places great to live and great to visit. While Edinboro is fortunate to have these assets, and they are appreciated, there are a few missing connections downtown that, if realized, could take the neighborhood to the next level.
When asked what improvements could be made downtown, the top responses were parks and green spaces, recreation and activities, signage, and public art.
This downtown revitalization plan connects the “needs-improvement-dots” through the activation of Mill Street – an under-utilized asset with immediate potential and even some developable land that can satisfy future demands for growth. With a focus on creating opportunity and experience, Mill Street has been reimagined as a place for people, designed to engage and inspire through education, the arts, and recreation.

Downtown District

One of the earliest ideas to emerge from the public visioning was the addition of a market to Mill Street – a shopping destination featuring an eclectic mix of indoor and outdoor shops offering fresh meat, fish, produce, coffee, wine, beer, cheese, chocolates, a variety of Pennsylvania-made products and a small cafe, to become of the borough’s most popular places to eat.
Town Square

In an effort to encourage more pedestrian traffic, increase visibility and attract new library users, the Erie County Public Library and the Borough of Edinboro propose to partner in the development of a combined library and community center – The Edinboro Town Square. This catalyst anchor project will attract people downtown, creating a flow of year-round activity and visitation between Erie Street, Mill Street, and Nature’s Outlet Park.